Thursday, October 2, 2014

My blog is called the spot light is always on for a reason. When you make it in the world and you because a person that is well known because you ether are famous for sports, music, fashion or whatever it may be. You should know that wherever you go there will always be someone taking pictures and recording you. I honestly don’t know how stupid some of these people can be. I feel like because of who they are and because they have money they somehow become above the law. These are the people who kids now days are looking up to and in no way shape or form are any of the professional athlete’s good role models. Just a week or so ago a pro football player for the Minnesota Vikings beat his kid with a tree branch. Not only did he hit his kid in public repeatedly but they fact that he was so conferrable doing in in public. That makes me think that when he punishes his kid at home when no one is around if it’s even worse. But the fact of the matter is how far is too far when it comes to punishing you’re kids. I’ve heard everywhere form well it’s my kids and I can punish them how I want, to I think kids should get whippings because that’s the only way they will learn. I feel like there is a point when it is to far. And Adrian Peterson went too far. You know you have gone too far when you make you’re own kid have welts all over his legs and start to bleed. I agree that every kid is different and should be punished in different ways. I even think that a hand or belt to the butt is ok. But when you start to seriously hurt a kid then you have gone way too far and the law will now come into place for child abuse. People say that the times are different now and back in the day my parents used to give me a belt or anything they could find to my backside. If you do that now the cops are called. I feel like there is a middle ground. You should punish your kids if they act up. But you should never allow your punishment to get so out of hand to where your kid starts to bleed. Now days it is a serious thing that kids are getting beat up by their parents. That’s not ok and people that have no self-control should not have kids in the first place. No matter who you are in the world the law is for everyone. You should figure out a way to punish your kid without resorting to violence. People who have the spotlight on should know that the world is watching at all times. So take that and own up to the talents god has given you and be an example to the younger generation of this nation.

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